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Budapest November 2016 - Januar 2017

Budapest MIKROPHONIE I Seminar 20170113

Karlheinz Stockahsuen (1928-2007) was one of the most influentail composers of the second half of the last century. Since September the students of the Liszt Academy have had the chance to participate at workshops led by Laszlo Hudacsek, percussionist living in Austria and Bálint Bolcsó, composer, teaching at the Liszt Academy of Music. Their focus was Stockhausen´s MIKROPHONIE I from 1964, a unique composition both from technical and aesthetical point of wiew. Peter Eötvös was a member of Stockhausen´s Ensemble until 1976 was among theperformers of the world premiere of this work.

Q: Mr. Eötvös, you met Stockhausen at the age of 22 in Cologne. What was your experience like in relation with your previous years spent in Budapest prior to this engangement?

Péter Eötvös: I used to say that in Budapest whatever we learned about a flower was about that part what is above the ground, meanwhile at Stockhausen we heard about what is below and what "will make a flower". In Budapest everything was deduced from the tradition, the aim was that it should be beautiful like a flower and everything should remain on the parth of the tradition. At Stockhausen there was no other part of the tradition than what is phisically constant, and the aim was that to make it be like it has never been before. Budapest was in the past-time and did not reach the present-time, meanwhile at Stockhausen life began with the "tomorrow". So to me everything was very new from all aspects of composition, acoustic and the physical "science" of the sound. It is similar to a case of an instrument-maker when he is choosing the base-material for his work to create a new instrument so he is very conscious about the relevancy of the dimensions and proportions. A Stockhausen-type of composer always starts from nothing and creates himself his own material - from silence to the noise, from noise to the sound, from the sound to the spirit. The knowledge you need to work in an electro-acoustic studio and the experience of playing instruments together are forming out carefully through sound by sonud, so all these type of works requiring a lot of practical knowledge and precise organiztaion beginning with the first details until the very last ones.

Q: How was the rehearsal period of the MIKROPHONIE I? Was it hard with a lot of recearch and dead ends, or it went all the way strictly under a strong control?

P.E.: It was very hard and very precise. It took quite a long time when the performers got the know-how and find their ways, but the result was amazing. It was a huge pleasure to listen and to hear all the tiny noises we created.

Q: How influential do you feel the time Spent with Stockhausen today, and how do you think that this experience could be shared today?

P.E.: The best thing is to read the first four Stockhausen books (Texte zur Musik Vol. 1-4), study and understand it. The experiences of the ´70s are ingrained in me. I was hammered into steel, so I won´t be rusted easily. Meanwhile my music is different than Stockhausen´s.

Budapest MIKROPHONIE I Seminar 2016

Budapest MIKROPHONIE I Seminar 20170113

Budapest MIKROPHONIE I Seminar 20170113

Budapest MIKROPHONIE I Seminar 20170113

Etchings Festival 2016

Wien (Vienna) 2016 Institut für Komposition und Elektroakustik / Leonard Bernstein Institut für Blas- und Schlaginstrumente - Workshop "Karlsheinz Stockhausen: MIKROPHONIE I"

Praxisorientierte Analyse und Realisation. Die TeilnehmerInnen rotieren zwischen folgenden Aufgaben:

 • einen Klang nach bestimmten Regeln auf eine Tamtam (Ø 155cm) zu erzeugen      
 • den Klang mit einem Mikrophon (als aktives Musikinstrument) abzunehmen    
 • die erzeugten Klänge elektronisch zu filtern
Das Ziel ist ein Kennenlernen der klanglich-kompositorischen Methodik und ein erstes Eindringen in die Arbeitsweise des Werkes. Bei Interesse ist ein Folgeprojekt mit der vollständiger Produktion des Werkes möglich.

Eingeladen sind sowohl Kompositionsstudierende als auch PerkussionistInnen sowie allgemein Interessierte. Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 20 Personen beschränkt.

Wien (Vienna) MIKROPHONIE I Seminar 2016

Wien (Vienna) MIKROPHONIE I Seminar 2016

Wien (Vienna) MIKROPHONIE I Seminar 2016

Wien (Vienna) MIKROPHONIE I Seminar 2016

Wien (Vienna) MIKROPHONIE I Seminar 2016

Wien (Vienna) MIKROPHONIE I Seminar 2016

Wien (Vienna) MIKROPHONIE I Seminar 2016

Wien (Vienna) MIKROPHONIE I Seminar 2016

Wien (Vienna) MIKROPHONIE I Seminar 2016

Wien (Vienna) MIKROPHONIE I Seminar 2016

Wien (Vienna) MIKROPHONIE I Seminar 2016

Wien (Vienna) MIKROPHONIE I Seminar 2016

Wien (Vienna) MIKROPHONIE I Seminar 2016

Wien (Vienna) MIKROPHONIE I Seminar 2016

Wien (Vienna) MIKROPHONIE I Seminar 2016

Wien (Vienna) MIKROPHONIE I Seminar 2016

Wien (Vienna) MIKROPHONIE I Seminar 2016

Etchings Festival 2017

Etchings Festival 2016

Etchings Festival 2015

Etchings Festival 2014

Etchings Festival 2014

Etchings Festival 2013

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